...for which I have no time for and am slightly bemused as to why on earth I have suddenly decided to have one. Moreover I have started to do one at the worst possible time. With two weeks to go before a trade show I have a set to produce, a catalogue to design, a price list to make and a large amount of black rope to hunt down, preferably in a nice shop that doesn't sell naughty things.
However I have put paw to keyboard and here we are. I am an occasional devotee of the creative blog, usually stumbled across while attempting to make something, getting stuck and Googling for advice. I more often than not I come away feeling depressed as how these people are able to whip up a Victoria sponge, finish off a handmade present and have twenty people for for dinner at moment's notice AND still have a house that looks clean and tidy AND they do all this while looking utterly fragrant, fabulous and CALM!
While I love making bits and bobs, albeit in a not too twee kind of way, being fragrant, fabulous and calm at the same time eludes me. Despite my best efforts I rarely have clean fingernails for more than 5 minutes and my natural default is to tuck my skirt into my knickers and get stuck in.
So let's see how far I get.....
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